
About radicalization

About radicalization: Yassin Elforkani is a muslim imam living in Amsterdam that says that he city may also be at risk. In my opinion, the most important thing I can take from the txt is that the danger is not 4000 km away from us, but instead, the danger is inside schools, bars, cultural associations, neighborhoods. 2/3 of the "radicalized" have between 15-25 years old. Why? because this is no longer only a war, this is GUERRILLA, this is Focalism, this is young teenagers born in small villages in France with a desire for an armed insurrection (for instance Roubaix, 5 minutes away from where I live, may be the source of the french terror.) An AK-47 can be bought in contrebande for less that 1000 EUR, at any time.) The problem is that the governments are not prepared for this. They are prepared for the great wars that are useless on this matter.
After the Charlie Hebdo attacks, the french government introduced Moral classes in the schools. What's the problem? The teachers say: how can we teach empathie to students that live in the same room with other 6 or 7 persons. How can we teach about condemning violence if they are taught with the force of a belt and the violence is the norm on the street? How can we teach that work is a way of emancipation for women and that secularism is the value of the Republique if their mothers are veiled and stay at home?
Where are the Lumières?

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