
first determinations for 2011

1. Take a model course. why: Because i think that all women should do it. Because it gives us the chance to bring out the best in us and train the posture and body language .... ooohhh ... and learn how to be always good in pictures! Very important! Moreover, I want to be an old lady and show photos to my children and grandchildren, for them to see the youth that I had one day ;)

2. Travel to Georgia: why: ... I know, I know ... it's not that destination that everyone has in mind one day to visit ... but .. I have there a very special person. True Friend! Someone that one day told me:
"Maria when i met you i knew that you were like me... Someone that just has love in the eyes!" Well, when you are 3600km away from everything and everyone that you love and you do live your life with an intensity that's hard to explain... these kind of things really matter! ;)

3. Lead "Título Original" to another level. Turn it into a Consulting in Communication company. And you know what ... I have three projects for 2011 already.

4. Continue with the life that I have. I'm where I want and I want to keep it! Yes, I love it! I love my friends, those whom are far away and those around ... I love the children of my friends ... I love Rodrigo, i love Luna, I love to love the music that i love :) I love smiles and dancing ... I love to see the results when I committed at work ... I love to make them give me congratulations and recognize that i make a difference ... now i'm going to cry ... :)

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