

How much do you need to suffer, pass by or simply observe in life to see what you are? Do you need someone to tell you or you can see it by yourself?
What choices did you make? Did you choose the easy way or the hard way? Wich one make you feel better and complet with yourself?
Do you like everybody is around you? Do you like you?
What is important for you? Do you know where you want to be in one year? Do you have what you wanted in the past Or you just let things happen and you are ok with something, not bad, not good, just something?
Do you see the other side? Inside, maybe?
What is your favorite state of mind?

What you've learned about life?

2 comentários:

Björn Pål disse...

A vida é um processo de aprendizagem contínua e permanente busca d e si próprio... pelo menos se a vivermos intensamente e não nos acomodarmos a um eu que apenas fez sentido numa determinada época e lugar.
Beijo grande, estou com saudades tuas

zeeinn disse...

life is a journey.. constant and progressive learning. the suffer exists, and pain defines our character, but that is what make life so interesting.. simply, truly & deeply unique!!! so live...!!